Fast moving Targets is an initiative from Erwin Blom and Wessel de Valk, who wanted to create a crossmedia platform about technology, innovation, communication and media. Their goal is to inform, detect and show what is going on around us, not only for us as users, but also with us as users.

Some time ago they asked me to help with the design and, more important, the information flows, I dragged Timan Rebel in for the technical realization and behold; here it is; Step one of an ever developing Fast Moving Targets. I’ve learned a lot in technical project management during this summertime project. I had a chance to become an actual Scrum master, learned how to master pivotal.  I used whiteboards and blackboards filled with drawings of all sorts of content that needed to fit in somewhere on the platform. There is a lot to be done still, user story’s to be added, technical tweaks, design improvements, format enhancements, but the essence is there. A platform for and by us users to learn, see, help, watch, read and share new and inspiring things in the world of technology, media and communications around us. Everybody (well everyone that can read Dutch that is) can help or contribute forming Fast moving targets.