Fast Moving Targets is a new platform on innovation, media, communication and what not. The platform is still a work in progress but a blog is already online and the first live webcast interviews have been broadcasted and others will follow (follow @fastmoving). The platform, the channels and the webcast are not finished yet, they are still a work in progress and maybe that is what they will be for the time being .. or longer even. Since the web, innovations and the media are also chancing very fast this suits the changing landscape of online, innovation and technology. When I was asked to do the design of both blog, platform and the webcast studio, this is precisely what I liked about it. The openness and the awareness of the ever changing online possibilites that are part of the platform and the entire project.

The studio background consists of a flexible interchangeable set of tags that are also used in all other channels of this project. So with every new quest or change in presentation the background can adapt accordingly. Design and layers of the webcast are based on this design but not entirely fixed.  The design for the platform is not yet near completion and I am not sure that it will be soon,  but here also, the basis is the set of tags, the rest will form and change according to need.