Rembrandplein in April

One of the things I love about Amsterdam.. when the sun is out people come out to relax and enjoy.. sitting, drinking, talking. On the tiniest pieces of grass wherever available. Air filled with city sounds and light happy chatter.

Lonely Bike

Normal day.. normal view from the car n the Keizersgracht.. attention drawn by a lonely bike on the bridge normally swamped with bikes..

Dozing Dames

Sitting in the sun on a terras at the Bosbaan .. Watching two eldery women dozing of.. waking up… enjoying talking, watching..

The Next Web 2009, looking back…

After three days of conference and excellent parties last week, it is time to look back. Luckily there are some very good posts that provide an inspiring overview that you shouldn’t miss. pictures; @silvertje and @jeeem. links to several articles; Contentgirls the next web by quotes; @timanrebel and my own overview in sketchnotes: The sketchnote […]

2nd day @ #tnw

Thursday, 2nd day of conference @tnw.  Pretty awesome line-up ! Been sketching all of the keynote speakers and really enjoyed it! Andrew Keen: Chris Sacca: Jeff Jarvis Matt Mullenweg and Ricardo Beaza Yates

Unconference day at The Next Web 2009, the current web

The most beautiful sunny day in Amsterdam.. the Balie filling up with laughter on unconference day. The current web giving the stage to several speakers.. stacking mac’s alongside the speakerdesk…  Telia Sonera with the opt in censorship solution for the grey area’s. 7load (the guys from the flutter video) alerting us on the importance of […]

Early spring

What I like best in early spring.. the soft green veil on what where barren branches only days before. Warm sunlight drawing people out of their houses to near the edge of the water.

momo #10

30 maart in de rode hoed, veel bekende maar ook heel veel nieuwe gezichten en een door de bezoeker geinspireerde line up. Pecha Kucha was verrassend snel en de sprekers hadden het concept goed begrepen. De open space pitch had goed veel potentie, helaas lieten een aantal providers de deelnemers in de steek. Het inspirerende […]