Monday turned in a great mobile monday this 1st of June. The momoams 11 with a whole range of first class speakers and their view on the future of mobile. Wether it be marketing or advertising or how the mobile will shape the web the message was clear. We need to act now in order to take this future in our own hands, to shape it into something good for all of us. Where Jamais Cascio was trying to let us be aware of the possible future of mobile and the augmented power, and Joseph Pine II showed us the realms of the multiverse, Andrew Grill was a bit more practical on his views of  the future of mobile and advertising. Measurement is key and Advertisers need to realize that you can not just superimpose the old models over new techniques. Robert Rice closed of with the bold death of mobile, stitching up a new device from scratch, thinking 3D and out of the box.

Be creative, think connected. Well, see for yourselves: